Christmas is near!

So, it's the month of December and you know what that means! Yep! You are right! It's going to be Christmas soon! To honor thi...


Coming Back to Jamaa

If you guys were readers from the last blog I worked on, well - you know what Animal Jam is right? For those who doesn't Animal Jam is an educational game but you know lots of things did not go as planned but it's still a fun game!

I stopped playing for a few months, and today I will be visiting Jamaa, I'm quite curious how things have changed so without further ado let us begin!

Oh wow, AJ has gotten into the Christmas mood! I really miss this game so much!

Some updates I have miss while I was gone.

AJ's newest adventure is pretty amazing!

And....... That's all I'm going to have to put on in this post for today, if you want to know more about AJ here is the link --> Animal Jam

Thank you for reading and goodbye!

Jaden Smith's Tweets tho..

Do you know this dude? 

If you guessed Jaden Smith (*coughs* title *coughs*) then you are correct! This kiddo over here is the son of Will Smith, he's well known in the movie Karate Kid (2010) and boi his tweets are so.....


Let me show you a few of his tweets, ahem -
 Image result for jaden smith's tweetsImage result for jaden smith's tweets

Yeah... His tweets are actually fun to read that I have happened to provide you a tweet generator!

Hope ya'll enjoy for today's post! See you all next time!

Christmas is near!

So, it's the month of December and you know what that means! Yep! You are right! It's going to be Christmas soon!

To honor this event, we must get ready, go to the mall and buy presents for our loved ones! Kids wishing for Santa Claus to give them their desire toys or families cooking amazing and delicious meals for them to feast on!

But other than all of those - we must remember it is Jesus Christ's birthday!

Merry Christmas to all of you and Happy Birthday Jesus!